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The book of Revelation gives us an amazing glimpse of the future that God has in store, and towards which everything is heading. The Apostle John is shown the gathering of God’s cleansed and protected people:

After this I looked, and there was a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands.

Revelation 7.9

At Minto Anglican Church we are convinced that the world – people from every nation, tribe, and language – need to hear the news about the lordship and saving work of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. We are convinced of the truth that “there is no other name under heaven given to people and we must be saved by it” (Acts 4.12).

Because of this glorious future and our powerful God, we keep seeking to send out and support Christian witnesses to speak about Jesus from within our own communities, around Australia, and throughout the whole world.


Christine is GRN Australia's CEO and gives both practical and spiritual leadership to the mission's members and work.

Christine worked for a NSW electricity utility for eleven years as a cadet and then professional engineer. She became a Christian half-way through her degree and soon developed an interest in mission and ministry.

A GRN display in her local church was the catalyst which led Christine to Sydney Missionary and Bible College to prepare for missionary service.

Ten years of service followed with SIM in Ecuador where she was involved in the establishment of Radio Hope and participated in many other ministries.


Electrical engineering and missionary service have prepared Christine for the role of CEO. She is excited and thankful for this opportunity to Serve God, GRN, the church, and those who will hear the Good News through GRN's ministry in the future.


GRN Website

Direct Financial Support for GRN


Founded by Dr Alan Watson in 1998, the Katoke Trust for Overseas Aid is funding and supporting a sustained, multi-pronged attack on extreme
poverty in the Katoke area of Tanzania. The Trust is a grass-roots Christian organisation that provides aid for people irrespective of their race, colour or religion. Administered and run by a passionate group of volunteers in Sydney, Australia, the Trust projects are cost efficient with virtually 100% of proceeds going directly to the Trust’s projects in Tanzania.


Education is the most sustainable form of aid and is the cornerstone of our work. The major project, the secondary school, is meeting the great need for secondary education in Tanzania where less than a third of children had access to an education beyond primary school.

The Trust partners with the local community and churches, especially with the Anglican Church, which owns the 804 acre Katoke site where the secondary school is located. Through building strong local partnerships, the Trust seeks to prepare local people to take charge of their own development. The Trust aims to build leaders who will be able to take initiative and ensure the sustainability of projects.


Katoke Trust Website

Direct Financial Support for Katoke Trust

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Since 1856, Moore College has been providing in-depth theological training in order to prepare men and women for Christian ministry and mission. It is based in Newtown, Sydney. Moore College’s vision is evangelical and international, training gospel workers in multiple denominations and various locations.


The College’s role is expanding. There are enormous opportunities for outreach, church planting and fresh theological course development in new and emerging nations. Students come to study from a wide range of church and cultural contexts, for enrolment in diploma, graduate and postgraduate courses. In turn, graduates serve in over 100 locations, throughout Australia, South-East Asia, China, Africa, Europe and South America.


We are a Christian community where men and women learn to love the Lord Jesus, teach the Word of God, and carry the gospel of salvation to the ends of the earth.


Moore College Website

Financial Support for Moore College

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Minto Gardens is an Anglican Retirement Community. Minto Anglican Church supplies a chaplain to Minto Gardens under the Parish Partnership Scheme.

The chaplaincy team at Minto Gardens is committed to Gospel Care, which has at its focus and application the good news about Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

When: Every Tuesday 9.30am – Modified Prayer Book Church Service

Location: Minto Gardens 2 Sark Grove, Minto NSW 2566


Minto Gardens Website

Anglicare Website

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